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Transaction process actions

This reference article lists all the available actions and their configuration options.

Table of Contents

A transaction process contains transitions and each transition defines an ordered list of 0 or more actions. Actions are instructions for the transaction engine and define what happens when a transition is executed. The ordering of the actions matters because they are executed in the given order.

This is a reference for all the available actions with their preconditions, parameters, and configuration options. With parameters we mean values that are sent in the API calls to the actions, and with configuration options we mean the options that are set for the actions in the process.edn file. To learn more, see the Transaction process format reference article.


Transaction initialization


NOTE: this action is implicit and must not be in the process description.

Initialize a new transaction from a listing.


  • Listing with the given ID must exist
  • Listing must have an author
  • Customer (actor of the transaction) must be a valid user
  • Author and customer must not be the same user


  • listingId, UUID, mandatory

Configuration options: -



Defines transaction price and breakdown. Sets given line items and calculates totals for each line item and for the entire transaction.

Existing line items will be removed.

Preconditions: -


  • lineItems: Collection of line items (max 50). Each line items has following fields:
    • code: string, mandatory, indentifies line item type (e.g. "line-item/cleaning-fee"), maximum length 64 characters.
    • unitPrice: money, mandatory
    • lineTotal: money
    • quantity: number
    • percentage: number (e.g. 15.5 for 15.5%)
    • seats: number
    • units: number
    • includeFor: array containing strings "customer" or "provider", default ["customer" ":provider" ]

Line item must have either quantity or percentage or both seats and units.

lineTotal is calculated by the following rules:

  • If quantity is provided, the line total will be unitPrice * quantity.
  • If percentage is provided, the line total will be unitPrice * (percentage / 100).
  • If seats and units are provided the line item will contain quantity as a product of seats and units and the line total will be unitPrice * units * seats.

lineTotal can be optionally passed in. Will be validated against calculated line total.

includeFor defines commissions. Customer commission is added by defining includeFor array ["customer"] and provider commission by ["provider"].

payinTotal is calculated by the action and added to the transaction. payinTotal equals to the sum of customer commission line totals and other non-commission line totals. Must be zero or positive. Note: Some line-item configurations are not supported by the default Stripe payment actions. If you use Stripe payment actions, payinTotal needs to be greater than zero, and greater than or equal to payoutTotal. For more details, refer to Stripe action documentation.

payoutTotal is calculated by the action and added to the transaction. payoutTotal equals to the sum of provider commission line totals and other non-commission line totals. Must be zero or positive.

Only one currency is allowed accross all fields defining money.

Configuration options: -


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items

Calculates the customer commission, sets the transaction payin amount and adds a :line-item/customer-commission line-item.

Subsequent executions will create new line items instead of modifying the existing one. Commission calculations are based on transaction/totalPrice and will accumulate the payinTotal. For example, a total price of 100 EUR and two consequtive 10 % customer commissions will result in an 120 EUR payin.


  • Transaction must have a total price
  • All currencies must match the listing currency
  • Min and max commissions need to be in correct order, i.e, min needs to be smaller than max

Parameters: -

Configuration options:

  • commission: decimal, mandatory. Acts as a multiplier on the transaction total, e.g. 0.1M for a 10% commission.
  • min: a map with keys :amount and :currency, optional. Acts as a minimum commission, e.g. {:amount 2M, :currency "EUR"} for a 2EUR minimum.
  • max: a map with keys :amount and :currency, optional. Acts as a maximum commission, e.g. {:amount 20M, :currency "EUR"} for a 20EUR maximum.


  • amount, decimal, mandatory. The value of a monetary unit. A decimal followed with a M, e.g. 10M.
  • currency, string, mandatory, The three letter currency code of a monetary unit, e.g. "EUR".


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items

Calculates the provider commission, sets the transaction payout amount and adds a :line-item/provider-commission line-item.

Subsequent executions will create new line items instead of modifying the existing one. Commission calculations are based on transaction/totalPrice and will accumulate the payoutTotal. For example, a total price of 100 EUR and two consequtive 10 % provider commissions will result in an 80 EUR payout.

Too large commission (i.e. a negative payout) will cause an error.


  • Transaction must have a total price
  • All currencies must match the listing currency
  • Min and max commissions need to be in correct order, i.e, min needs to be smaller than max

Parameters: -

Configuration options:

  • commission: decimal, mandatory. Acts as a multiplier on the transaction total, e.g. 0.1M for a 10% commission.
  • min: a map with mandatory keys :amount and :currency, optional. Acts as a minimum commission, e.g. {:amount 2M, :currency "EUR"} for a 2EUR minimum.
  • max: a map with keys :amount and :currency, optional. Acts as a maximum commission, e.g. {:amount 20M, :currency "EUR"} for a 20EUR minimum..


  • amount, decimal, mandatory. The value of a monetary unit. A decimal followed with a M, e.g. 10M.
  • currency, string, mandatory, The three letter currency code of a monetary unit, e.g. "EUR".


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Calculates a fixed commission for customer, sets the transaction pay out amount and adds a :line-item/customer-fixed-commission line-item.

Subsequent executions will create new line items instead of modifying the existing one and will accumulate the payinTotal. For example, a total price of 100 EUR and two consequtive 10 EUR customer fixed commissions will result in an 120 EUR payin.


  • Transaction must have a total price
  • Commission currency must match the listing currency

Parameters: -

Configuration options:

  • commission: a map with mandatory keys :amount and :currency, mandatory. Acts as the fixed commission for a transaction, eg. {:amount 10M :currency "EUR"}.


  • amount, decimal, mandatory. The value of a monetary unit. A decimal followed with a M, e.g. 10M.
  • currency, string, mandatory, The three letter currency code of a monetary unit, e.g. "EUR".


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Calculates a fixed commission for provider, sets the transaction pay out amount and adds a :line-item/provider-fixed-commission line-item.

Subsequent executions will create new line items instead of modifying the existing one and will accumulate the payoutTotal. For example, a total price of 100 EUR and two consequtive 10 EUR provider fixed commissions will result in an 80 EUR payout.

Too large commission (i.e. a negative payout) will cause an error.


  • Transaction must have a total price
  • Commission currency must match the listing currency

Parameters: -

Configuration options:

  • commission: a map with mandatory keys :amount and :currency, mandatory. Acts as the fixed commission for a transaction, eg. {:amount 10M :currency "EUR"}.


  • amount, decimal, mandatory. The value of a monetary unit. A decimal followed with a M, e.g. 10M.
  • currency, string, mandatory, The three letter currency code of a monetary unit, e.g. "EUR".


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Calculates transaction total and provider commission from a nightly booking.


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Same as :action/calculate-tx-nightly-total, kept for backward compatibility.


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Calculates transaction total and provider commission from a daily booking.


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items

Calculates transaction total from a daily booking.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Listing must have a price

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items

Calculates transaction total from a nightly booking.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Listing must have a price

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items

Calculates transaction total from daily booking without start and end dates. Can be used for price calculation of bookings where the boundary dates are used for delivery and pickup.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Listing must have a price
  • Booking time must be at least three days as there needs to be one day between the excluded dates

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Calculates transaction total from the quantity params and the price multiplier configuration options.

total = quantity1 * quantity1-price-multiplier + quantity2 * quantity2-price-multiplier


  • Listing must have a price


  • quantity1: non-negative integer (0, 1, 2, ...), mandatory
  • quantity2: non-negative integer (0, 1, 2, ...), mandatory

Configuration options:

  • quantity1-price-multiplier: decimal, defaults to 1.0M
  • quantity2-price-multiplier: decimal, defaults to 1.0M


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items

Calculates transaction total from given quantity and listing price.


  • Listing must have a price


  • quantity: positive integer (1, 2, 3, ...), mandatory

Configuration options: -


Calculates full refund for provider. Sets transaction pay in and pay out amounts to zero and creates reverse line items that undo all the previous line items.

This action must not be run more than once.

Preconditions: -

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Enables price negotiation. When the action is run for the first time it adds a new line item that makes the transaction total to match with the offer. Subsequent executions update the line item to match the counter offer.

Preconditions: -


  • negotiatedTotal, money, mandatory

Configuration options: -


Deprecated: use :privileged-set-line-items to have full control of the calculation and the line items.

Enables custom pricing. Sets given line items and calculates totals for each line item and for the transaction.

Existing line items will be removed.

Preconditions: -


  • lineItems: Collection of line items (max 50). Each line items has following fields:
    • code: string, mandatory, indentifies line item type (e.g. "cleaning-fee")
    • unitPrice: money, mandatory
    • quantity: number
    • percentage: number (e.g. 15.5 for 15.5%)
    • seats: number
    • units: number

Line item must have either quantity or percentage or both seats and units. If quantity is provided, the line total will be unitPrice * quantity. If percentage is provided, the line total will be unitPrice * (percentage / 100). If seats and units are provided the line item will contain quantity as a product of seats and units and the line total will be `unitPrice

  • units * seats`.

Configuration options: -



Creates a new booking in pending state with given start and end time, as long as the listing's availability for the given time range permits the booking to be created. Optionally takes booking display start and end times as well as seats.

Bookings in pending state make a reservation against the listing's availability for the corresponding time slot with the given number of seats.


The listing must have sufficient availability for the time slot between bookingStart and bookingEnd (exclusive).


  • bookingStart: timestamp, mandatory.

    Used as the booking start time if the type is set to :time

    If the type is set to :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking start date.

    Marks the start of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability.

    Available in transaction process as :time/booking-start timepoint.

  • bookingEnd: timestamp, mandatory

    Used as the booking end time if the type is set to :time

    If the type is set to :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking end date. Please note that the bookingEnd is exclusive.

    Marks the end of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability.

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-end timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayStart: timestamp, optional.

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking start time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingStart (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-start timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayEnd: timestamp, optional.

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking end time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingEnd (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-end timepoint.

  • seats, integer, optional, defaults to 1

    The number of seats that the booking reserves in the listing's availability.

Configuration options:

  • type: enum, one of :day, :time. Defaults to :day. If set to :day normalizes bookingStart and bookingEnd values to midnight UTC.


Creates a new booking in proposed state with given start and end time, as long as the listing's availability for the given time range permits the booking to be created. Optionally takes booking display start and end times as well as seats.

Bookings in proposed state do not affect the listing's availability, i.e. they do not reserve the time slot, until they are accepted using the :action/accept-booking.


The listing must have sufficient availability for the time slot between bookingStart and bookingEnd (exclusive).


  • bookingStart: timestamp, mandatory.

    Used as the booking start time if the type is set to :time

    If the type is set to :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking start date.

    Marks the start of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability, if the booking is subsequently accepted.

    Available in transaction process as :time/booking-start timepoint.

  • bookingEnd: timestamp, mandatory

    Used as the booking end time if the type is set to :time

    If the type is set to :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking end date. Please note that the bookingEnd is exclusive.

    Marks the end of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability, if the booking is subsequently accepted.

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-end timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayStart: timestamp, optional.

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking start time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingStart (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-start timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayEnd: timestamp, optional.

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking end time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingEnd (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-end timepoint.

  • seats, integer, optional, defaults to 1

    The number of seats that the booking reserves in the listing's availability.

Configuration options:

  • type: enum, one of :day, :time. Defaults to :day. If set to :day normalizes bookingStart and bookingEnd values to midnight UTC.


DEPRECATED: use :action/create-pending-booking or :action/create-proposed-booking instead.

Creates a new booking in pending state with given start and end time. Optionally takes booking display start and end times as well as seats.

Preconditions: -


  • bookingStart: timestamp, mandatory.

    Used as the booking start time if the type is set to :time

    If the type is set to :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking start date.

    Marks the start of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability.

    Available in transaction process as :time/booking-start timepoint.

  • bookingEnd: timestamp, mandatory

    Used as the booking end time if the type is set to :time

    If the type is set to :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking end date. Please note that the bookingEnd is exclusive.

    Marks the end of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability.

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-end timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayStart: timestamp, optional.

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking start time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingStart (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-start timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayEnd: timestamp, optional.

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking end time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingEnd (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-end timepoint.

  • seats, integer, optional, defaults to 1

    The number of seats that the booking reserves in the listing's availability.

Configuration options:

  • observe-availability?: boolean, defaults to false. If set to true, prevents creating new bookings if the booking time is not available.

  • type: enum, one of :day, :time. Defaults to :day. If set to :day normalizes bookingStart and bookingEnd values to midnight UTC.


Marks booking as accepted.

Bookings in accepted state make a reservation against the listing's availability for the corresponding time slot and number of seats.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Booking must be in either proposed or pending state
  • If the booking is in proposed state, the listing must have sufficient availability for the time slot defined by the booking.

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Update the details of a booking - start and end times, start and end display times and seats. If one end of a time range is given, so must be the other.

When updated, the booking remains in the same state it was before the update.

Note that only the given attributes are updated and ones that are left our remain unchanged. In particular, the booking display times are NOT updated automatically when the booking start/end time is updated.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Booking must be in either proposed, pending or accepted state
  • The listing must have sufficient availability for the new (updated) time slot defined by the booking.


  • bookingStart: timestamp, optional, must be given if bookingEnd is given

    Used as the booking start time if the booking type is :time.

    If the booking type is :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking start date.

    Marks the start of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability.

    Available in transaction process as :time/booking-start timepoint.

  • bookingEnd: timestamp, optional, must be given if bookingStart is given

    Used as the booking end time if the booking type is :time.

    If the booking type is :day, the value is converted to UTC midnight and used as the booking end date. Please note that the bookingEnd is exclusive.

    Marks the end of the timeslot that will be reserved in the listing's availability.

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-end timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayStart: timestamp, optional, must be given if bookingDisplayEnd is given

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking start time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingStart (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-start timepoint.

  • bookingDisplayEnd: timestamp, optional, must be given if bookingDisplayStart is given

    Moment of time that is displayed to a user as a booking end time. Does not affect availability of the listing.

    If not given, defaults to the value of bookingEnd (normalized to UTC midnight, when type is :day).

    Available in the transaction process as :time/booking-display-end timepoint.

  • seats, integer, optional

    The number of seats that the booking reserves in the listing's availability.

Configuration options:

  • type: enum, one of :day, :time. Defaults to :day. If set to :day normalizes bookingStart and bookingEnd values to midnight UTC. The value here should match the booking type set for the action that created the booking earlier in the transaction process.


Cancel an accepted booking.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Booking must be in the accepted state

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Decline a pending or proposed booking.


  • Transaction must have a booking
  • Booking must be in either pending or proposed state

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -

Stock reservations


Creates a new stock reservation in pending state with given stock, as long as the listing's current stock permits the reservation to be created.

A stock reservation in pending state decreases the listing's stock - a stock adjustment is created having the given stockReservationQuantity (with a negative sign).

There can be at most one stock reservation per transaction.


  • The transaction must not already have a stock reservation.
  • The listing must have sufficient stock available.


  • stockReservationQuantity: positive integer, mandatory.

    The quantity of stock that is reserved from a listing's stock.

Configuration options: -


Creates a new stock reservation in proposed state with given stock, as long as the listing's stock permits the reservation to be created.

A stock reservation in proposed state does not affect the listing's available stock, i.e. the listing's stock is not decreased by the proposed reservation quantity until the reservation is accepted using the :action/accept-stock-reservation action.

There can be at most one stock reservation per transaction.


  • The transaction must not already have a stock reservation.
  • The listing must have sufficient stock available.


  • stockReservationQuantity: positive integer, mandatory.

    The quantity of stock for the reservation.

Configuration options: -


Mark stock reservation as accepted.

A stock reservation in accepted state decreases the listing's stock. That means that if the stock reservation was previously in a proposed state, a new stock adjustment is created with the quantity of the stock reservation (with a negative sign).


  • The transaction must have a stock reservation
  • The stock reservation must be in either proposed or pending state
  • If the stock reservation is in proposed state, the listing must have sufficient stock so that the stock reservation can be accepted.


Configuration options: -


Decline a pending or proposed stock reservation.

If the stock reservation was previously in a pending state, a new stock adjustment is created for the listing, reversing the adjustment that resulted from the stock reservation being created. As a result, the stock reservation will have no net impact on the listing's available stock.

Note: It is recommended to place this action last in the transition's action list whenever possible.


  • The transaction must have a stock reservation
  • The stock reservation must be in either proposed or pending state


Configuration options: -


Cancel an accepted stock reservation.

A new stock adjustment is created for the listing, reversing the adjustment that resulted from the stock reservation being created or accepted. As a result, the stock reservation will have no net impact on the listing's available stock.

Note: It is recommended to place this action last in the transition's action list whenever possible.


  • The transaction must have a stock reservation
  • The stock reservation must be in accepted state


Configuration options: -



Action for customer to post a review of provider.

The review is left in pending state. Executing :action/publish-reviews will make them publicly available.


  • Transaction must not be reviewed by customer already


  • reviewRating, integer from 1 to 5, mandatory
  • reviewContent, written review, string, mandatory

Configuration options: -


Action for provider to post a review of customer.

The review is left in pending state. Executing :action/publish-reviews will make them publicly available.


  • Transaction must not be reviewed by provider already


  • reviewRating, integer from 1 to 5, mandatory
  • reviewContent, written review, string, mandatory

Configuration options: -


Action to publish any reviews in the transaction.

Preconditions: -

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -

Extended data


Merge customer protected data into transaction protected data.

Preconditions: -

Parameters: -

Configuration options:

  • key-mapping: map (keyword -> keyword), optional

    Defines which keys are revealed to the transaction. Also can be used to rename keys so that the transaction's protected data will use different keys than the user's protected data does. For example,the following config will reveal customer's phoneNumber attribute to the transaction and rename it to customerPhoneNumber:

    {:key-mapping {:phoneNumber :customerPhoneNumber}}

    More than one key can be revealed at the same time:

    {:key-mapping {:phoneNumber :customerPhoneNumber
                   :address :customerAddress}}

    Renaming is optional. If you wish to keep the same key, you can repeat it as the value:

    {:key-mapping {:address :address}}


Merge provider protected data into transaction protected data.

Preconditions: -

Parameters: -

Configuration options:

  • key-mapping: map (keyword -> keyword), optional

    Defines which keys are revealed to the transaction. Also can be used to rename keys so that the transaction's protected data will use different keys than the user's protected data does. For example,the following config will reveal provider's phoneNumber attribute to the transaction and rename it to providerPhoneNumber:

    {:key-mapping {:phoneNumber :providerPhoneNumber}}

    More than one key can be revealed at the same time:

    {:key-mapping {:phoneNumber :providerPhoneNumber
                   :address :providerAddress}}

    Renaming is optional. If you wish to keep the same key, you can repeat it as the value:

    {:key-mapping {:address :address}}


Merge given data to the protected data of the transaction.

Preconditions: -


  • protectedData: JSON object, max 50KB, optional

Configuration options: -


Merge given data into the metadata of the transaction. This action requires that the transition is made from a trusted context.

Preconditions: -


  • metadata: JSON object, max 50KB, optional

Configuration options: -

Stripe integration


Action for creating a Stripe PaymentIntent for the transaction. This action supports card payments or equivalent (such as using wallets like Google Pay and Apple Pay).

Payment Intents are the main supported way to collect payments. Transaction processes need to use them especially if they want to be SCA-compatible.

After the PaymentIntent is created, it's ID and client secret are temporarily accessible in the Sharetribe transaction protected data under the stripePaymentIntents key in the following form:

  "default": {
    "stripePaymentIntentId": "pi_1EXSEzLSea1GQQ9x5PnNTeuS",
    "stripePaymentIntentClientSecret": "pi_1EXSEzLSea1GQQ9x5PnNTeuS_secret_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Client applications can use the PaymentIntent client secret in order to handle payment and confirm the PaymentIntent client-side. The stripePaymentIntents key is removed from the protected data once the :action/stripe-confirm-payment-intent is used.


  • The transaction must already have pricing information (i.e. payin and payout totals) calculated.
  • The calculated payin must be greater than zero
  • The calculated payin must be greater than or equal to the payout
  • If :use-customer-default-payment-method? is set true, customer must have Stripe Customer and default payment method set.


  • paymentMethod, string, optional. Stripe PaymentMethod ID of payment method to be used in the payment. If not given, client is responsible for attaching a PaymentMethod to the PaymentIntent via e.g. Stripe.js SDK.
  • setupPaymentMethodForSaving, boolean, optional. If set to true, the PaymentIntent is created in such a way so that the PaymentMethod used in the payment can be later attached to a Stripe Customer. Otherwise, the PaymentMethod (if new) can not be used in any other way again after the payment. After payment is done via the transaction process, the client can use Marketplace API operations /stripe_customer/add_payment_method or /stripe_customer/create to attach the payment method to a Customer or create a new Customer if one didn't exist.

Configuration options:

  • :use-customer-default-payment-method?, boolean, optional. If set to true, the payment intent is created using the Customer's default payment method and it is created as an off-session payment in Stripe (i.e. customer not present). Intended to be used in transitions where customer is not present (i.e. delayed transitions, or ones triggered by operator or provider). This tells Stripe to attempt to exempt the payment from SCA. However, the bank in question may still require authentication. If the bank requires authentication from the customer, or declines the charge for any reason, the Stripe API call will fail and the transition using this action will fail. The action also automatically confirms the payment intent, i.e. :action/stripe-confirm-payment-intent must not be included in this or subsequent transitions.


Action for creating a Stripe Payment Intent for use with synchronous push payment methods. The following payment methods are supported:

  • Alipay
  • Bancontact
  • EPS
  • giropay
  • iDEAL
  • Przelewy24

After the PaymentIntent is created, it's ID and client secret are temporarily accessible in the Sharetribe transaction protected data under the stripePaymentIntents key in the following form:

  "default": {
    "stripePaymentIntentId": "pi_1EXSEzLSea1GQQ9x5PnNTeuS",
    "stripePaymentIntentClientSecret": "pi_1EXSEzLSea1GQQ9x5PnNTeuS_secret_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Client applications can use the PaymentIntent client secret in order to handle payment client-side. Typically that involes using Stripe.js SDK to attach a payment method and handle the bank redirect where the customer confirms the payment. The stripePaymentIntents is removed from the protected data once the :action/stripe-confirm-payment-intent is used.


  • The transaction must already have pricing information (i.e. payin and payout totals) calculated.
  • The calculated payin must be greater than zero
  • The calculated payin must be greater than or equal to the payout


  • paymentMethodTypes, array of strings, mandatory. List of payment method types that are allowed to be used to complete this payment intent. Must be one or more of the following: alipay, bancontact, eps, giropay, ideal, p24.
  • paymentMethod, string, optional. Stripe PaymentMethod ID of payment method to be used in the payment. If not given, client is responsible for attaching a PaymentMethod to the PaymentIntent via e.g. Stripe.js SDK.

Note that the allowed payment method types are passed as transition parameters. If implementations wish to strictly validate which payment methods are allowed to fulfill a payment, use a privileged transition and validate the set of allowed payment methods in your server.

Configuration options: -


Action for confirming payment intent that is in pending state.

If the payment intent was created with :action/stripe-create-payment-intent (a card payment), a preauthorization is placed on the card. The payment then can be captured in full by using :action/stripe-capture-payment-intent within 7 days of creating the payment intent, or the preauthorization can be released by using :action/stripe-refund-payment.

IMPORTANT On the other hand, payments with synchronous push payment methods (created with :action/stripe-create-payment-intent-push) are captured and made in full immediately when confirmed by the customer via their bank or app and unlike card payments there is no preauthorization stage. After the payment is made, it can only be reversed with a full refund using :action/stripe-refund-payment. Unlike cancelling a preauthorization, creating a full refund does not refund Stripe's own payment processing fees to the Stripe platform account. Therefore, it is recommended that the transaction process takes that into account. Typically, this means that the transaction process is some form of "instant booking" where provider does not need to accept the booking at all, or alternatively a process where the provider accepts the booking before the payment is made.


  • Transaction must have a payment created with :action/stripe-create-payment-intent or :action/stripe-create-payment-intent-push.

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Action for capturing a confirmed Stripe PaymentIntent. If the PaymentIntent was created with :action/stripe-create-payment-intent-push, the PaymentIntent is captured automatically already when the payment is confirmed and this action will have no effect. Uncaptured payment intents are valid for seven days, after which they are automatically canceled by Stripe.


  • Transaction must have a payment that has been confirmed with :action/stripe-confirm-payment-intent
  • Provider must have connected Stripe account

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


Create a pay out to external bank account. The managed account must have sufficient available balance.

The timing of the payout depends on when the money is available in Stripe. If the money is already available when this action is triggered, the payout happens immediately. If the money is not yet available, the payout is scheduled based on the time when Stripe indicates that the balance will be available.


  • Transaction must have pay-out value set
  • Transaction must have a Stripe transfer

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -


DEPRECATED: same as :action/stripe-refund-payment, use that instead


Refund (in full) a Stripe payment. Supports both cancelling a PaymentIntent that has not yet been captured, as well as issuing a Stripe refund for the charge if the PaymentIntent was captured.


  • The transaction must have a payment created with either :action/stripe-create-payment-intent or :action/stripe-create-payment-intent-push
  • The transaction must not yet have passed through a transition using :action/stripe-create-payout

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -



Action that always fails. Useful for testing.

Preconditions: -

Parameters: -

Configuration options: -